
Monday, 20 August 2012

Something New...

Good evening all!!

Just wanted to post, as I have been extremely busy and finally have a second to breathe!!!  This last week has been exhausting, but so amazing!!!  My girlfriend from work got married on Saturday... So my journey to Prince Albert began early in the a.m. but was so worth it... She was a beyond beautiful bride, and I am so happy for her and her new hubby... words cannot describe!!!
Yesterday was busy also as it is back to school time, and school supply shopping needed to get done!! The I had a session with a family that I know very well, and love very dearly... They were my first shot at the back lit stuff, and I am loving out so far, even if its not turning out perfect on the first try... I will get there!!!
When you work a 40 hour a week job, and try to keep photography going on the side, it can be tiring!!! But I love it anyway, because tired or not, photography is such a huge passion, I could never imagine giving it up!!

So over the course of the last few weeks I have been reading up a lot on Back lit Photography, and purchased a book last night about exposure in general as I believe it is something you can't know enough about!!  It is a fantastic book, and I would recommend it to every photographer I know!!!
His instruction is very easy to understand, and it is definitely money well spent!! (Go out and buy it folks!!:))

I am very excited to get into different types of exposure, and am looking for people that are willing to let me practise on them!!
In the past few days, I have also found quite a few new spots that will be great locations for fall & or winter photos!!
I can wait to have photography as my full time job so I can do something that i truly love to do, and do nothing but get better at it!!!

Goodnight loves,
Hope everyone is doing well.

Talk soon,


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